Rola Słowa Bożego w życiu indywidualnym i społecznym




Tytuł czasopisma

ISSN czasopisma

Tytuł tomu


Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II


Gods Word is permanent, unchanging, timeless and eternal. It is the true reality; indestructible by any power and not subject to any influence or cataclysm. It is a rock on which we should build our entire present and future. “Heaven and earth shall pass but my words shall not pass” (Mark 13, 31). That is why contact with Gods Word is so essential for any believer. It should become the foundation of his life and meeting It - an every day practice, as It is the source from which everything springs; faith and hope, truth and goodness, love and charity, justice and solidarity, communion with God, with our neighbours and with the Church. Gods Word is the voice of God Himself speaking to man. It was the beginning of everything: “without It nothing took place” (J 1.3). It is the light of man: “In It was light and light was life” (J 1,4). It is what moulds hum an life, orders it and fills it with Gods Love. And It is what opens the mind and ignites the heart. It plays a huge part in the personal life of a believer as well as in the life of society. It is an invitation directed at everyone to hold a dialogue with God who wishes to redeem all human beings in Jesus Christ, the only intercessor (1 Tim 2, 5) but also demands that all believers be true witnesses of God and that they introduce spiritual values into the life of society: justice, love, goodness, mercy and peace.


Słowa kluczowe

słowo, Słowo Boże, życie, życie społeczne, społeczeństwo, wiara, Kościół, nauczanie społeczne Kościoła, Biblia, Pismo Święte, człowiek, osoba, word, Word of God, life, social life, society, faith, Church, Bible, human, person, Katolicka Nauka Społeczna


Polonia Sacra, 2011, R. 15 (33), Nr 28 (72), s. 7-23.


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