Zwyczaje i obrzędy adwentowe w regionie opoczyńskim




Tytuł czasopisma

ISSN czasopisma

Tytuł tomu


Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego


The present article describes the customs, rites and beliefs of the Advent period among the inhabitants of the Opoczno region. The author worked up this subject on the basis of his own ethnographic field studies carried out in that area in the years 1990-1993. Besides the customs and rites characteristic of this region, the atmosphere of the period is also presented. The period of Advent begins a new ecclesiastical years and at the same time closes the calendar year. When a man came into the new year, he faced the unknown. He tried to satisfy his curiosity in this respect through different kinds of divination. In that period, the dominating ones concerned matrimonial and meteorological fortune-telling. The youth most often practised divination on the eve of St. Catherine’s and St. Andrew’s days. Divination practices or customs of secular character constituted a marginal part of Advent customs and rites. The Advent atmosphere in the Opoczno village was created by two events, i.e. eschatic and Christmas ones, that is why the period of Advent is characterized by clearly religious character. When a man thought of his ultimate aim to which the adequate preparation for the coming of Christmas led, he was willing to participate in religious practices known for ages. Hence, Advent was given a penitential character and the people were fasting and took part in retreats or Advent services. In the Opoczno area, the rural population kept a number of old Advent customs to this day. Nowadays, experiencing Advent is not manifested as it was before. The inhabitants of the village prepare themselves for Christmas more individually and within their families.


Summarized by Zdzisław Kupisiński SVD.

Słowa kluczowe

zwyczaje adwentowe, obrzędy adwentowe, Adwent, pobożność, pobożność adwentowa, święta w Adwencie, Opoczno, obrzędy, Advent, piety, holidays in Advent, rites, Advent rites, Advent customs, Advent devotion


Roczniki Teologiczne, 1995, T. 42, z. 2, s. 103-114.


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