Teologiczne i normatywne zasady współpracy świeckich w ministerialnej posłudze kapłanów




Tytuł czasopisma

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Tytuł tomu


Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego


The laity and the clergy are equal in their dignity on the basis of baptism. In various ways they fulfill the mission with which the Church has been entrusted by Christ: the Laity – by virtue of common priesthood, and the clergymen (ministri sacri) – by virtue of the sacrament of the priesthood. They all contribute to the building of the Church as a communio. The theological and normative principles of cooperation of the lay people in their ministry proper to their ordination (ministri ordinati) have been defined by the Vatican Council II. Now the post-conciliar regulations are included in the Christifideles laid and Pastores dabo vobis and in the Intercasterial Instruction Ecclesiae de mysterio of 15 August 1998. The author’s reflection is founded on the doctrine of the Magisterium of the Church, one that deals with the theological grounds, forms and range of cooperation of the lay people in their sacerdotal ministry of the holy ministers. The author first defines the difference between ministerium ordinatum and non ordinatum, in order to formulate then the following theological principles by which the lay people and the clergymen cooperate: the whole Church as the sacerdotal people of God participates in the only priesthood of Christ, although in various degrees. The lay people participate in common priesthood (commune), the clergymen as ministri sacri et pastores in ministerial priesthood (ministeriale)', in the Church there is one mission (missio). but various ministries (ministerium). It is only ministri sacri that by virtue of being made like Christ and by the gift of the Holy Ghost (configurano) in the sacrament of the priesthood they can act in the Church in persona Christi and be the sign of Christ the Head of the Church. Ministerium sacerdotale is a specific form of ministry in the Church, in which the lay people cannot replace the clergy. Only under extraordinary circumstances may the lay people be authorized by the pastors of the Church to replace them in the ministry which does not require the sacrament of the priesthood. This ministry includes munus docendi, sanctificandi and pascendi. Nevertheless they never become thereby pastors, nor can administer a parish.


Autor tłumaczenia streszczenia: Jan Kłos.

Słowa kluczowe

świeccy, laikat, funkcje liturgiczne, posługa, urząd, kapłani, duchowieństwo, teologia, posługa kapłańska, laity, laypeople, liturgical functions, service, office, clergy, priesthood, theology, priestly ministry, współpraca, cooperation


Roczniki Teologiczne, 2001, T. 48, z. 8, s. 35-76.


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