Responsabilità dell’università cattolica nei confronti dell’uomo e del mondo
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Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II
Le università sono un supporto intellettuale delle società, un importante elemento della loro continuità ed un luogo dove viene creata cultura. Questo implica loro doveri, responsabilità, e ciò è per loro fonte di autorità. Oggigiorno, comunque, le università devono affrontare nuove sfide. Una di queste è l’economizzarsi dei valori nel mondo, un fenomeno che affligge anche le università: esse cessano di interpretare il ruolo di essere luogo dove plasmare standard morali, risolvendo conflitti sociali. Peraltro, un’università la cui missione è limitata ad insegnamento e ricerca non è sufficiente. Le università cattoliche non possono funzionare come le cosiddette “università‑azienda” – si suppone che l’università lavori al servizio della prosperità della società e per adempiere alle sue funzioni storiche, scientifiche e di creazione della cultura. Le università cattoliche hanno aspirato, fin dal principio, a svolgere questi compiti, sia in ambito sociale che internazionale. Nel realizzarsi di questa missione bisogna anche tener ferma la nostra identità dando testimonianza dei valori cristiani. In questo caso, una solida cognizione del contenuto della cristianità sembra ovvia. I progressi della civilizzazione contemporanea non portano comprensione, felicità o liberazione dai desideri inappagati. La loro realizzazione passa esclusivamente dal riconoscimento di tutte le dimensioni dell’umanità e sostenendo uno sviluppo armonioso dello spirito umano.
Universities are an intellectual support of the society, an important element of its continuity and a space where the culture is created. This implies their duties, responsibilities and this is the source of their authority. Nowadays, however, universities face new challenges. One of them is economization of the world’s values, a phenomenon which afflicts universities as well: they cease to play their role of being a place of shaping moral standards, solving social conflicts. However, a mission of university limited to teaching and conducting research is not sufficient enough. Catholic universities cannot function as so called “enterprising universities – university is supposed to work for the prosperity of society and fulfill its historical, scientific and culture‑creating functions. Catholic universities, from the very beginning, pretended to fulfill these tasks, in both social and international dimensions. While realizing this mission we must also care for keeping our own identity and bearing witness to christian values. In this case, solid cognition of the content of Christianity seems obvious. Achievements of contemporary civilization do not bring understanding, happiness or liberation from unfulfilled desires. They can be achieved only by recognizing all dimensions of humanity and by supporting harmonious development of human spirit.
Universities are an intellectual support of the society, an important element of its continuity and a space where the culture is created. This implies their duties, responsibilities and this is the source of their authority. Nowadays, however, universities face new challenges. One of them is economization of the world’s values, a phenomenon which afflicts universities as well: they cease to play their role of being a place of shaping moral standards, solving social conflicts. However, a mission of university limited to teaching and conducting research is not sufficient enough. Catholic universities cannot function as so called “enterprising universities – university is supposed to work for the prosperity of society and fulfill its historical, scientific and culture‑creating functions. Catholic universities, from the very beginning, pretended to fulfill these tasks, in both social and international dimensions. While realizing this mission we must also care for keeping our own identity and bearing witness to christian values. In this case, solid cognition of the content of Christianity seems obvious. Achievements of contemporary civilization do not bring understanding, happiness or liberation from unfulfilled desires. They can be achieved only by recognizing all dimensions of humanity and by supporting harmonious development of human spirit.
Artykuł w języku włoskim.
Słowa kluczowe
uomo, mondo, università, responsabilità, cultura, valori, economizzazione, human, world, universities, Catholic universities, responsibility, culture, values, Christian values, economization, higher education, człowiek, świat, uniwersytety, uniwersytety katolickie, odpowiedzialność, kultura, wartości, wartości chrześcijańskie, ekonomizacja, szkolnictwo wyższe
Polonia Sacra, 2016, R. 20, Nr 2 (43), s. 141-157.
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