Pneumatologiczny wymiar obrzędów egzorcyzmów




Tytuł czasopisma

ISSN czasopisma

Tytuł tomu


Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL


Every liturgy, including also the liturgy of exorcism, is a peculiar locus theologicus. The present article is focused in this case on emphasizing the pneumatological dimension of the rite. In the exorcisms the Church is united with the Holy Spirit and begs Him to give help to the man’s weakness in his struggle against the evil spirit. This strange synergy of the Spirit and the Church in Christ is manifested not only in the texts of the modernized Rites shown by the author, but also in the signs, gestures, objects and activities accompanying the rites and discussed in the article. In the celebration of exorcism water, salt, oil, hand and breath are the symbols of the Holy Spirit. The liturgy of exorcisms shows not only the dynamism of the action of the third Divine Person, but also is the locus of the epiphany of the Holy Spirit, whose nature is revealed by the texts of the rites. The saturation of the euchology of exorcisms with pneumatological subjects allows the sacramental to return to its original idea, that is the epiclesis of the Spirit’s invitation and descent. Hence the author shows that the true and proper tone of exorcism is not so much exorciso te, but rather invoco te, Spiritus Sanctus, or in a more distinct way: emitte quaesumus Spiritum Sanctum tuum Paraclitum super.


Autor tłumaczenia streszczenia / Summary translated by Tadeusz Karłowicz.

Słowa kluczowe

egzorcyzmy, egzorcyzm wielki, egzorcyzm mniejszy, wymiar pneumatologiczny egzorcyzmu, epikleza, epifania Ducha Świętego, epifania, Duch Święty, znaki, symbole, euchologia, obrzędy, obrzędy egzorcyzmów, exorcisms, major exorcism, minor exorcism, pneumatological dimension of exorcism, epiclesis, epiphany of the Holy Spirit, epiphany, Holy Spirit, signs, symbols, euchology, rites, rites of exorcisms, pneumatologia, pneumatology


Roczniki Liturgiczno-Homiletyczne, 2010, T. 1 (57), s. 257-271.


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