Sens wiary religijnej w świetle realizmu filozoficznego




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Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum


The following article aims at answering to the question about a status of the religious faith within the development of human person. The undertaken purpose is realized within three stages that consist of analyzing (1) „supernatural” knowing of God, (2) epistemological basis of the love toward God, (3) specificity of the human perfection. Given considerations are based mainly on analyzing selected works written by representatives of the philosophical realism (St. Thomas Aquinas, Zofia J. Zdybicka, Mieczyslaw A. Krapiec). A choice of texts is marked by their common personalist character resulting from a determined respect to the integral vision of man as person. The author claims that an act of religious faith introduces every human person into a process of spiritual perfection that integrally contains not only deepening a cognition of God and strengthening a love with Him, but progressing toward a sainthood as well. The key conclusion focuses on a thesis that only a unity of man and God within an act of love provides a safeguard of the complete actualization of man where in virtue of epistemological conditions the act of religious faith plays a principal role.


Słowa kluczowe

filozofia, realizm, philosophy, realism, wiara, faith, sens wiary, meaning of faith, miłość, love, świętość, sanctity, poznanie religijne, religious cognition, poznanie, cognition, filozofia religii, philosophy of religion, religia, religion


Studia Ełckie, 2007, T. 9, s. 67-78.


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