Moralna odnowa człowieka i społeczeństwa w świetle nauczania Jana Pawła II




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Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie


It is an unquestionable fact that a lot of people are looking forward to a reform of society and a change for the better. Various methods on how to carry out this reform are discussed. Some see a possibility of a change for the better through the introduction of new social structures, a political change or a change in the management system. Others see a chance in tougher enforcement of law and improving the efficiency of the government. Others still go back to the roots of Christianity with a hope of finding the ways of social revival through the revelation. John Paul II in an encyclical Veritatis splendor writes that with an expansion of serious forms of social and economic injustice and political competition, which affects whole countries and nations, a great number of people whose basic rights are trampled over and violated are increasingly outraged. At the same time a need for a radical revival of individuals and societies that would be capable of assuring justice, solidarity, honesty and flagrancy is becoming more and more urgent and universal. John Paul II is convinced that the way leading to a revival of society is through a revival of man. Hence, the task for all Christians is to carry the light of Christ into the social sphere of life. Faith cannot be lived only internally, but should find its external expression in the life of society. It can therefore be said that all social teaching of John Paul II is directed at the revival of hearts and whole societies.


Słowa kluczowe

moralność, człowiek, społeczeństwo, Jan Paweł II, Karol Wojtyła, papieże, nauczanie, Kościół, chrześcijaństwo, encyklika, Veritatis splendor, Redemptor hominis, państwo, naród, konsumizm, konsumpcjonizm, małżeństwo, indywidualizm etyczny, zagrożenia, ateizm, odnowa, morality, human, society, John Paul II, popes, teaching, Church, Christianity, encyclic, state, nation, consumerism, marriage, dangers, atheism, renewal, etyka, ethics, kapłani, duchowieństwo, clergy, priesthood, dokumenty Kościoła, Magisterium Kościoła


Polonia Sacra, 2003, R. 7 (25), Nr 13 (57), s. 258-280.


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