Teofania inaugurująca Deuteroizajasza (Iz 40,1-11)




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Częstochowskie Wydawnictwo Archidiecezjalne „Regina Poloniae”


An analysis of the structure of Isa 40 allows us to state that the verses 1-11 are the first literary unit of it. This poetic piece of Deutero- Isaiah is not easy to define in terms of genre. Frequently defining it as a story about the prophetic vocation is not satisfying because the character is very faintly visible. Similarly, defining a vision of God’s divinity or court shares the same difficulties. The centre of this part (v. 5) is about the revelation of the glory of Yahweh (kāḇôḏ YHWH), and at the end of the text, the Lord personally traveling to Zion as a Shepherd and Warrior. Throughout the whole story, one can continually hear the voice of the Lord (qôl), which means his speech and presence. This personal presence of Yahweh is shown by his breath, face, shoulder and lap (vv. 10-11). As Ps 114 shows the first Exodus as the great glory of Yahweh of Israel traveling from Egypt to the Promised Land, so the Second Isaiah writes about getting back the glory of Yahweh from Babylon to Zion at the head of the redeemed people. This Theophany will have its definitive fulfillment in the New Testament when the “voice from heaven” (ek fonē tôn ouranôn) will present Israel’s true Redeemer, the Lord’s Servant, Jesus (Mk 1:11).


Słowa kluczowe

drugi Izajasz, forma literacka, objawienie chwały, powołanie, prolog, wizja boskiej rady, Iz 40, Księga Izajasza, teofania, Biblia, Pismo Święte, Deutero-Izajasz, poematy, poezja, poetyka, poezja prorocka, prorocy, wizje, poemat teofanijny, Second Isaiah, literary form, theophany, call narrative, vocation, prologue, Divine council, Book of Isaiah, Bible, poetry, poetics, prophets, visions, literatura, literature, Stary Testament, Old Testament, Deutero-Isaiah


Gloriam praecedit humilitas, 2015, s. 131-156.


Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Poland