Wolność i duchowość człowieka wyznacznikiem postępu




Tytuł czasopisma

ISSN czasopisma

Tytuł tomu


Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie


A programme Revival of Spirit – Constructing of Freedom, of which we are reminded by Mirosław Dzielski – owing also to a book “Bóg, wolność, własność” (God, Freedom, Ownership) published on the occasion of his 60th birthday – comprises not merely testimony about his historical instinct but offers something much more important. The programme provides clear proof that Dzielski understood that the 21st century would not be a century of ideology but of constructing a society which would struggle to define humanity through solving moral, religious, intellectual, economic and cultural problems; the society which would struggle to define its spiritual identity. Already today this identity is far from clear. Our civilisation does not listen to the voice of those who see the reasons of tensions of our consciousness so painfully tom by an illusory world of commerce, which – treating itself as the only genuine reality – does not need spirituality. Here lies the danger. Questions remain the same. What changes is the range of problems and the ways of solving them. Spirit and freedom remain the guarantor of our independence and the condition of real progress.


Słowa kluczowe

człowiek, duchowość, wolność, rozwój, Mirosław Dzielski, historia, polityka, biografia, wartości, human, spirituality, freedom, progress, history, politics, biography, values


Polonia Sacra, 2002, R. 6 (24), Nr 10 (54), s. 151-160.


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