Incontriamo Gesù. Studio sul documento della Commissione Episcopale Italiana sugli Orientamenti per l’annuncio e la catechesi




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The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow


This article discusses the document Meeting Jesus, presented by the Italian Episcopal Commission. In seeking to give guidelines for the proclamation and catechesis of the faith in Italy it becomes one of the most important documents in recent years that deal with the new evangelization that assists the whole Church in the announcing of the Gospel and the journey of faith. The document highlights certain homogeneity in reading the cultural, social, ecclesial and pastoral situation in which the processes of formation and education are realized. This helps the development of the “catechetical needs” and the specific paths of diocesan and national guidelines. It also reveals the possibility of a comparison at the inter-diocesan level between formators and a mutual support in the evaluation of projects and activity. To realize the training of formators and of members of the diocesan teams “in the wise work of coordinating and leading” it is important to work on the same lines proposed by the Guidelines.


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Słowa kluczowe

catechesis, catechists, proclamation, pastoral care, ministry, formation of catechists, formation, evangelization, catechization, education, katecheza, katecheci, proklamacja, duszpasterstwo, opieka duszpasterska, formacja katechetów, formacja, ewangelizacja, katechizacja, edukacja, catechesi, catechisti, annuncio, cura pastorale, ministero, formazione dei catechisti, evangelizzazione, catechizzazione, educazione


The Person and the Challenges, 2015, Vol. 5, No. 2, p. 33-52.


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