Wychowanie religijne w świetle myśli Karola Wojtyły




Tytuł czasopisma

ISSN czasopisma

Tytuł tomu


Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL


The text is an attempt at defining the essence of religious education as a special field of educational activity, and also it is a suggestion for interpretation of religious education with respect to the Catholic religion. By „religious education” the author understands supporting a man’s personal development, which would make more profound his ability for religious life, life directed to the sacred, to God. This ability, by means of educational activities, may be developed into the attitude, which accepts the truth about God and the world and man created by God. Then the truth is introduced into one’s life as the centre that organises the world and all the actions of man who gives them order and sense. A practical consequence of putting this ability and attitude into effect is living one’s life „in the presence of God”. The religious education of Catholics should take into consideration the teachings of the Vatican Council II whose acceptance requires formation of attitudes that the author reminds by referring to K. Wojtyła’s text „At the Foundations of Revival”. A Christian's basic attitude is the attitude of mission and testimony as an existential expression of faith. This attitude is then substantiated in several particular attitudes, namely, the attitudes of: participation, human identity and Christian responsibility, the ecumenical attitude and an apostolic one.


Tłumaczenie streszczenia Tadeusz Karłowicz.

Słowa kluczowe

wychowanie, upbringing, wychowanie religijne, religious upbringing, pedagogika, pedagogy, pedagogika katolicka, Karol Wojtyła, Catholic pedagogy


Roczniki Filozoficzne, 1999, T. 47, z. 2, s. 229-236.


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