Modlitwa czynnikiem wspólnototwórczym katechezy




Tytuł czasopisma

ISSN czasopisma

Tytuł tomu


Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL


Prayer is an encounter expressing man’s bond with God. At the basis of this encounter there is faith in the existence and love of personal God. During praying entrance occurs into a personal relation not only with God, but with another man as well. An encounter with another man in prayer, connected with a trusting call for blessing, changes the relation between the persons, creates an internal bond, in which prejudice gives way to mutual openness. Liturgy is a special dimension of the God-man interaction, in which dialog takes place by means of liturgical signs. In the catechetical formation intellectual education is recommended, but raising religious sensitivity, being open to God's gifts, building a community and acceptance of everything that Christ offers through the Church, is more important. The catechist plays the priority role in developing the communication between God and man in the pupils that are catechized. In order to meet this demand he himself has to feel the need of prayer and of bearing witness. In using prayer the catechist’s creative attitude is necessary. He should find out about the religiousness of the given class, their intellectual possibilities, spiritual sensitivity, the ability to reflect, and their general state of faith that was acquired in their homes. He has to synchronize prayer with the Church, parish or school feasts, as well as with the important situations in the pupils’ lives, spontaneous requests made by the catechized, with the environment they live in, and with the esthetic qualities of the room where the lesson takes place.


Summary translated by / Autor tłumaczenia streszczenia: Tadeusz Karłowicz.

Słowa kluczowe

modlitwa, liturgia, sakramenty, Słowo Boże, wspólnota, katecheza, katechizacja, celebracja, jedność, dialog z Bogiem, rozwój wiary, postawa wiary, wiara, katecheci, wychowanie, wychowanie do modlitwy, prayer, liturgy, sacraments, proclamation of Word of God, Word of God, community, catechesis, catechization, celebration, unity, dialogue with God, development of faith, attitude of faith, faith, catechists, upbringing, upbringing to prayer, proklamacja Słowa Bożego, dialog, dialogue


Roczniki Pastoralno-Katechetyczne, 2012, T. 4 (59), s. 139-150.


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