Związki pryscylianizmu z nikolaityzmem na podstawie pism pryscyliańskich i antypryscyliańskich
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Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie
The Catholic and Priscillian sources were divided into 2 groups: documents informing about Nicolaism and these concerning promiscuity. Additionally, two groups were divided into texts which were written in the Iberian Peninsula and the documents of other origin. The author of Treaties unequivocally distanced himself from Nicolaism and rejected it. On the base of Treaties it was claimed that the matter of promiscuity was not the main accusation, which was formed towards Priscillian people. Cannons of Councils of Saragossa pertained to indirectly to immoral behaviors of Priscillian people. During Councils of Toledo there were not any accusations of sexual freedom probably because of two reasons: the lack of evidences on account of “closing” those communities and Priscillian’s following the rule of calling to falsehood. When during the first Councils of Braga the practice of adopting women by men was deprecated. In the Iberian Peninsula the discussion concerning Nicolaism and immorality against the sexual background and theirs connections with priscillianism were taken by Apringius of Beja, Turibius of Astorga and Isidore of Seville. The matter of reliability of Sulpitius and Jerome in their opinion as priscillian sect has been still discussed by the researchers and has not been solved yet. The main accusations against Priscillian people were concentrated on the doctrinal matters. The accusations concerning morality were not always formed directly both by Spanish authors and ancient councils. The Church has noticed rightly in doctrine and the practices of Priscillian community the promiscuity and the elements of Nicolaism.
Słowa kluczowe
pryscylianizm, pryscylianie, nikolaityzm, rozwiązłość seksualna, teksty antypryscyliańskie, literatura, priscillianism, Priscillian people, Nicolaism, promiscuity, anti-priscillian texts, literature, nikolaizm
Veritati et Caritati, 2017, T. 9, s. 437-457.
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