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Tytuł czasopisma

ISSN czasopisma

Tytuł tomu


Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu


One of the vocations of a woman is to build a family life. It relates to such issues as marriage and motherhood. A woman makes a convenant with a man in the sacrament of marriage and at the same time she opens up to motherhood. She fulfills her role of a spouse, and the person responsible for upbringing a child or children. She has a unique place in the family, thanks to her femininity. The aforementioned upbringing of children relates to educating young people. Showing them feminine kind of sensitivity, preparing them to accept religious and moral principles. All of this is underpinned by the aforementioned femininity in which you can see sensitivity and care, based on unique woman’s features. The modern world should appreciate or properly rediscover a woman’s role in the family. The role of a wife, building the marital relationship with her husband and the role of a mother opening to a new life and consequently educating her children.


Słowa kluczowe

rodzina, małżeństwo, kobieta, rola kobiety, życie rodzinne, matka, macierzyństwo, wychowanie, godność kobiety, jedność kobiety i mężczyzny, jedność małżeńska, Kościół, powołanie kobiety, family, marriage, woman, role of a woman, family life, mother, motherhood, upbringing, dignity of a woman, unity of a man and a woman, marital unity, Church, woman's vocation


Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny, 2013, R. 21, Nr 2, s. 167-178.


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