Biskup Teodor Kubina – duszpasterz polskiej emigracji i robotników sezonowych




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Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie


Bishop Teodor Kubina, before he took charge of the Diocese of Czestochowa, had already a considerable experience in pastoral ministry among the Polish expatriates and seasonal emigrants (e.g. writing and pastoral activity in Western Pomerania and Berlin). Then, as a member of the Polish Episcopate, he became a fellow of the Commission for the Pastoral Care of Foreigners (1928). For this reason, being a special delegate of the Church in Poland, he participated in the International Eucharistic Congresses in Buenos Aires (1934) and Manila (1937). Before that, he took a trip to Chicago, taking part in a similar religious event. He was also particular about the pastoral care of seasonal emigrants from the Diocese of Czestochowa, who were leaving to work in Germany, France, Denmark, the Netherlands and Belgium. He expressed his views on matters of this type in numerous publications.


Słowa kluczowe

Teodor Kubina, duszpasterze, duszpasterstwo, Ameryka Południowa, Ameryka Północna, biskupi, kapłani, duchowieństwo, Brazylia, Częstochowa, diecezje, emigracja, ojczyzna, parafie, roboty sezonowe, studia, wychodźstwo, wydawnictwa, clergy, priesthood, bishops, ministry, South America, Brasil, dioceses, emigration, congresses, kongresy, native land, homeland, parishes, seasonal works, studies, publishing house, North America, praca, work


Veritati et Caritati, 2014, T. 2, s. 499-514.


Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Poland