Wiara chrześcijańska wobec alternatywnych ruchów religijnych

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Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego


The subject-matter of the present paper is focused on the question what practical indications could be elicited from the reasons why some people turn to various kinds of alternative movements. The latter being alternative to the mainstream religiousness in institutional churches. An attempt at an answer has been presented in three points. First the very concept of „religious alternative movements” has been made precise. By that concept one could understand all kinds of social trends. They give an alternative, be that just in one point, to the solutions of institutional religions, as regards religious needs. Then a few out of the most representative tendencies of the broad current of alternative movement have been presented. Among the reasons why religious alternative movements develop one should notice the following two. First, the depersonalizing character of many socio-cultural transformations, and second, the structures of Christian Churches which have not been adjusted to the changing expectations, especially on the part of the young generation. Such being the case, the principal task of the Church is to proclaim faith and introduce people in to the Mystery of Christ in such a way as to propose some forms adequate to possibilities and expectations of people tainted by postmodernist culture. A personal testimony of the followers of Christ is not without significance in this respect. Certainly many people depart from the Christian faith on their own fault, but it also goes without saying that there are many who did not have any opportunity to perceive Christ in His followers.


Autor tłumaczenia streszczenia: Jan Kłos.


wiara, chrześcijaństwo, ruchy religijne, alternatywne ruchy religijne, astrologia, szamanizm, religia, okultyzm, magia, ezoteryzm, Kościół, faith, Christianity, religious movements, alternative religious movements, astrology, shamanism, religion, occultism, magic, esotericism, Church, Christian faith, wiara chrześcijańska


Roczniki Teologiczne, 1994, T. 41, z. 3, s. 41-52.


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