Dzieje placówki duszpasterskiej w Piszu przed II wojną światową




Tytuł czasopisma

ISSN czasopisma

Tytuł tomu


Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum


The mission parish in Pisz was founded on 11th April 1869. From the very beginning, the local priests were concerned about the place of worship. A stand-alone building was bought for this purpose, where a chapel and an apartment for the priest was organised. At the time when the parish did not have its own priest, the apartment was rented. In the first half of the 20th century, the development of ministry occurred, as the Orzysz parish joined with the Pisz parish and founded a new mission station which also included Ruciane-Nida. Neither the animation of religious life, nor the numerous constructions and renovations would be possible without the support of the St. Boniface and St. Adalbertus Association in the diocese, and the Boniface Association in Paderborn. The parish also received financial subsidies from the church authorities of the diocese, and even from government institutions. The difficult financial situation of the parish was compensated with increasing the number of parishioners who conducted the sacramental life. The end of the World War II opened a new epoch in the history of the local church.


Słowa kluczowe

mission parish, Catholic parish in Pisz, Church in diaspora, parafia misyjna, parafia katolicka w Piszu, Kościół w diasporze, Pisz, parafie, parishes, duszpasterstwo, ministry, historia, history, XIX w., XX w.


Studia Ełckie, 2012, T. 14, s. 233-245.


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