Prorok i Sługa Słowa Kardynał Carlo Maria Martini (1927-2012)
Tytuł czasopisma
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Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego UO
The article presents the life as well as scientific, educational, pastoral and social-cultural activity of Cardinal Martini. The archbishop of Milan and metropolitan of Lombardy was one of the best known biblists, pastors and hierarchs of the Church from the turn of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. He shared his views on many important questions concerning Christian doctrine and morality, pastoral activity and social-cultural issues. The text discusses his life and pastoral-educational activity but also the controversies over him and his teachings. The bibliography of his publications, books and articles consists of over 1000 titles. He is also the author of nineteen pastoral programs. He was awarded for his achievements by a few prestigeous academies and international institutes. The cardinal died on 31st August 2012 and was buried in the cathedral of Milan.
Słowa kluczowe
cardinals, Carlo Maria Martini, Bible, School of the Word of God, upbringing of the youth, cathedral for non-believers, prophets, upbringing, youth, Word of God, non-believers, kardynałowie, Pismo Święte, Biblia, Szkoła Słowa Bożego, wychowanie młodzieży, katedra dla niewierzących, prorocy, wychowanie, młodzież, Słowo Boże, niewierzący
Scriptura Sacra, 2015, R. 19, s. 255-273.
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