Teologia aktu wiary w nauczaniu Benedykta XVI w Roku Wiary
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Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu
Pope Benedict XVI, in his Wednesday catechesis given during the Year of Faith, before reflecting on the contents of Christian Faith, he first indicated the essence of the act of Faith itself. It is not only an ordinary intellectual consensus of a person regarding particular truths about God, but it is an act of free entrusting oneself to God. Not to any God, but to the One revealed in Jesus Christ (Christocentrism of Faith) and recognized in the Church and thanks to the Church (Ecclesial nature of Faith). The Faith understood as such, although being a generous gift from God, requires also an intelligent and free response to the Revelation of God, by involving entire person.
Słowa kluczowe
teologia, akt wiary, wiara, teologia aktu wiary, Rok Wiary, Benedykt XVI, Joseph Ratzinger, papieże, nauczanie papieskie, Porta fidei, listy apostolskie, kontekst społeczno-kulturowy wyznawania wiary, społeczeństwo, kultura, akt wiary chrześcijańskiej, przymioty aktu wiary, chrystocentryzm, eklezjalność, Kościół, chrześcijaństwo, chrześcijanie, łaska, wolność, racjonalność, theology, act of faith, faith, theology of the act of faith, Year of Faith, Benedict XVI, popes, Pope's teaching, apostolic letters, socio-cultural context of professing faith, society, culture, act of Christian faith, qualities of the act of faith, Christocentrism, ecclesiality, Church, Christianity, Christians, grace, freedom, rationality
Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny, 2013, R. 21, Nr 2, s. 115-126.
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