Obrona rodziny w programach duszpasterskich Kościoła w Polsce
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Wydawnictwo Pallottinum
Pastoral programmes in Poland have always supported a family. The article weighs the problem, focusing on the first initiative of this kind, which was the Great Novena of the Millennium (1956-1966). It was when Cardinal Stephen Wyszyński and the Episcopate of Poland gave the priority to married and family life. The analysis done shows that further pastoral programmes also dedicated much space to family problems. The Christian idea of married and family life proposed by Catholic Church in Poland still has to struggle with different concepts of the problem, formerly a Communist approach, and today with a liberal one.
Słowa kluczowe
teologia, theology, rodzina, family, Kościół, Church, Kościół w Polsce, Church in Poland, duszpasterstwo, ministry, program duszpasterski, pastoral programme, obrona rodziny, defence of the family, Wielka Nowenna Tysiąclecia, Great Novena of the Millennium
Communio, 2013, R. 33, nr 1 (181), s. 61-86.
Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Poland