The family in dialogue with God




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The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow


Marriage and family are a remarkable truth of human person and his community; a communio personarum. In the New Covenant, marriage and the family took on, aside the interhuman and natural dimensions, a relation and dialogue with God in Jesus Christ and in the power of the Holy Spirit. The family, as the fundamental cell of social life, possesses its place, duties, and purpose in the community of the Church. The Christian family as a domestic Church, is the natural and fundamental school of faith. The reception by Christian of the sacrament of marriage signifies a radical alteration in their life, their path to salvation, their dialogue with God. The sacrament of marriage is the source of the spiritual life both for the spouses and for the family as for it imparts its supernatural spiritual unity and makes it a divine institution. The truth is the foundation of marital and family dialogue with God. The family stands as the domestic Church and is present, at once creatively and dynamically, in the universal Church. On the way to holiness the family undertakes a prophetic, priestly, and royal mission.


Słowa kluczowe

family, sacraments, Church, domestic Church, holiness, sanctity, marriage, dialogue, God, dialogue with God, sacramentality of marriage, community, rodzina, sakramenty, Kościół, Kościół domowy, świętość, małżeństwo, dialog, Bóg, dialog z Bogiem, sakramentalność małżeństwa, wspólnota


The Person and the Challenges, 2024, Vol. 14, No. 1, p. 129-142.


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