Promowanie pozytywnego wizerunku katechety (nauczyciela religii)
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Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum
The aim of the study is to outline the research framework for the issue of promoting a positive image of a catechist (religion teachers). This goal, in accordance with the pastoral paradigm, will be achieved in three points. Firstly, theoretical assumptions will be presented that suggest what this image of a catechist should be like. The second element is the presentation of the results of research conducted for the purposes of this study. The third point is the presentation of conclusions. As the teaching of the Church, the results of research and the long Polish catechetical tradition show, it is necessary to be a witness to a living faith. It is also important to know the teaching material thoroughly and to be a good teacher. Contemporary challenges add communication competence, openness, sensitivity and spontaneity. The binder for all these features is caring for your own image. This necessity, however, comes not from empty vanity but from the knowledge that they will teach in the name of Jesus.
Słowa kluczowe
catechists, teachers of religion, image, catechesis, katecheci, nauczyciele religii, wizerunek, katecheza, nauczyciele, teachers
Studia Ełckie, 2022, T. 24, nr 4, s. 423-440.
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