Początek pierwszej wyprawy Apostoła Pawła




Tytuł czasopisma

ISSN czasopisma

Tytuł tomu


Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie


The intention of the author of the text is without any doubt to show the deepest motive of Barnabas and Saul preaching the Gospel outside the Church, in Antioch. The fact that they were directly indicated by the Holy Spirit is decisive. This was “objectivized” by the Church, and those who were listening to the Holy Spirit were credible members of the Church: “prophets and teachers” The context, i.e. prayer and fasting, speak for the correct understanding of the intentions of the Holy Spirit towards Barnabas and Saul. Obeying the Holy Spirit the Antiochian Church recognizes God’s prior intentions towards individual people even when these are in conflict with its self-interest (Barnabas and Saul had worked efficiently for this Church before). The text features the submission with which Barnabas and Saul accept the itinerary set by the Holy Spirit. Tire efficiency in preaching the Gospel is also revealed: the preacher filled with the Holy Spirit is able to overcome all the obstacles put in the way. The overcoming of an obstacle becomes an argument for adopting the faith by those who heard the preaching. The author reveals the factors of the evangelization “tactics” of Barnabas and Saul. In selecting the route and the place in which they will preach the Gospel, they prefer the indications of the Holy Spirit. The route being taken, they comply with circumstances. And so, on the one hand they refrain from preaching the Gospel to pagans, yet on the other, away form the synagogue, they accept an invitation to preach the Good News to a pagan entangled in his dependency on a wizard and a pseudoprophet. They do not seek a direct confrontation with the world of another religion, but when there is a conflict between the one that wants to hear the Gospel and the one that opposes it, the authority of the preacher shows unequivocally by defeating the opponent. The Gospel can be addressed to everyone, even to those who have resisted it so far.


Słowa kluczowe

Paweł apostoł, Dzieje Apostolskie, Dz, Biblia, Pismo Święte, Nowy Testament, Barnaba apostoł, Szaweł, misje, Kościół, Kościół Antiocheński, egzegeza, egzegeza biblijna, Duch Święty, Ewangelia, Paul the Apostle, Acts of the Apostles, Bible, New Testament, Church, exegesis, biblical exegesis, Holy Spirit, gospel, apostles, apostołowie


Polonia Sacra, 1998, R. 2 (20), Nr 2 (46), s. 203-226.


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