Rozwój i doskonalenie struktur kościelnych w diecezji tarnowskiej w okresie pasterzowania biskupa Jerzego Ablewicza




Tytuł czasopisma

ISSN czasopisma

Tytuł tomu


Instytut Teologiczny w Tarnowie


This disseratation described the transformation of organization and activity of ecclesiastical structures in the diocese of Tarnów, in the reign of bishop Jerzy Ablewicz (1962-1990). These transformations adapted ecclesiastical structures to requirments of the Vatican II and the new Code of Canon Law. Paricularly great modifications took place in the organization and activity of Diocesan Curia. It became a central organ of coordination of pastoral functions in the whole diocese. New structures diocesan developed such as: Presbyteral Council with College of Consultors and Diocesan Pastoral Council as organs consultative Ordinari Bishop. Caritas Diocese of Tarnów was established in 1989 in order to perfect charity. The great modifications took place in Theological Seminary, Diocesan Tribunal and Cathedral Chapter too. Bishop J. Ablewicz created more new parishes and decanates. Against difficult political conditions were established various organizations for lay catholics. An unusual event was the creation of Catholic Mission in Congo which was conducted by diocesan priestes of Tarnów.


Słowa kluczowe

Jerzy Ablewicz, rozwój, rozwój struktur kościelnych, doskonalenie struktur kościelnych, diecezje, diecezja tarnowska, struktury kościelne, duszpasterstwo, duszpasterze, biskupi, doskonalenie, historia, Kodeks Prawa Kanonicznego, prawo kanoniczne, sobór watykański II, sobór, development, development of ecclesiastical structures, dioceses, diocese of Tarnów, ecclesiastical structures, ministry, ministers, bishops, perfection, history, Code of Canon Law, canon law, council, Second Vatican Council, Vatican II, perfecting ecclesiastical structures


Tarnowskie Studia Teologiczne, 1994, T. 13, s. 417-449.


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