Rola kardynała Bolesława Kominka w przygotowaniu orędzia biskupów polskich do biskupów niemieckich




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Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu


Precisely in November 18, 1965. Polish bishops present on the II Vatican Council submitted occasional lists to episcopates of 56 countries, with the invitation to the participation in the celebration Millennium of Baptism of Poland. In the letter to the episcopate of Germany signed by Card. Stefan Wyszyński, two archbishops and thirty two Polish, bishops characteristic words of forgiving Germans and a request for the similar gesture are towards Poles. From content of the letter, from certain expressions and the style, and especially from its spirit it is possible to read out who Was his immediate initiator and the author. It isn’t a secret that content of the letter of bishops was discussed by a lot of months and after all it stayed edited in autumn of 1965 (in Rome, in German language) by the Archbishop Bolesław Kominek. Statement of Jan Krucina “Kominek had to write him in the sequence two – three nights” in Rome, it isn’t dense and can badly be understood. One could conclude that the letter arose suddenly and kind of from the case. Meanwhile this letter was born so to speak for years and he was a sum of practical experience of their chief author.


Słowa kluczowe

Kościół, Bolesław Kominek, kardynałowie, biskupi, kapłani, duchowieństwo, orędzie, biskupi polscy, biskupi niemieccy, listy, historia, list o przebaczenie do biskupów niemieckich, PRL, Polska Rzeczpospolita Ludowa, stosunki państwo-Kościół, propaganda komunistyczna, komunizm, Church, cardinals, bishops, priesthood, clergy, message, Polish bishops, German bishops, letters, history, letter of forgiveness to German bishops, Polish People's Republic, state-Church relations, communist propaganda, communism


Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny, 2007, R. 15, Nr 1, s. 65-78.


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