Współpraca szkoły z Policją w zakresie przeciwdziałania demoralizacji młodzieży
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Uniwersytet Szczeciński
Currently, the Ministry of National Education pays special attention to preventative, educational and resocialization activities at school. School heads and teachers are obliged to prevent moral corruption of the young and to cooperate with the police. The aim of this article is to present cooperation of schools with the police. To begin with, the scope of the meaning of the term ,,moral corruption of the young” and the etiology of the phenomenon are described. One also points to the ,,actual extent of moral corruption of the young” as recorded in the police statistics. Then, the fundamental tasks of the school concerning prevention of moral corruption of the young are presented as well as the areas and ways of cooperation of school employees with the police on preventing moral corruption among the young.
Słowa kluczowe
szkoły, policja, współpraca, demoralizacja, młodzież, demoralizacja młodzieży, psychologia, socjologia, używki, przeciwdziałanie demoralizacji, pedagogika, normy moralne, prawo, rodzina, konflikty, schools, police, cooperation, demoralisation, youth, demoralisation of youth, psychology, sociology, drugs, counteracting demoralisation, pedagogy, moral norms, law, family, conflicts
Studia Koszalińsko-Kołobrzeskie, 2011, nr 16, s. 127-144.
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