Turystyka i edukacja. Zagraniczna peregrynacja młodego polskiego magnata w relacji księdza Kazimierza Jana Wojsznarowicza (1667‒1669)
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Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne
Prezentowany poniżej artykuł dotyczy istotnej kwestii staropolskich podróży po Europie w epoce nowożytnej. Rozważania oparte są na kanwie jednego z ciekawszych i obszerniejszych dzienników podróżnych napisanych przez Polaka i po polsku – wileńskiego księdza Kazimierza Jana Wojsznarowicza. Podróż, która miała miejsce w latach 1667‒1669 objęła kilka krajów europejskich: Niemcy, Holandię, Niderlandy Hiszpańskie, Francję i Włochy. Relacja podróżna zawiera wiele spostrzeżeń autora nt. sztuki, religii, ustroju politycznego, obyczajów. Ks. Wojsznarowicz opisał szczegółowo w dzienniku podróży także swoją pracę naukową i działalność wydawniczą oraz postępy w edukacji czynione przez jego podopiecznego – Aleksandra Janusza Zasławskiego-Ostrogskiego.
The main purpose of the article is a question of old Polish journeys across Europe in the modern epoch. Our considerations are based on the ground-work in the form of journal of travel written in the second half of 17th century. This account of travel was written by the Polish priest from Vilnius Kazimierz Jan Wojsznarowicz. He wrote this text in Polish using also numerous Latin expressions. This journey took place in the years 1667‒1669, in times of mature baroque. It included coverage of several European countries (Germany – various duchies, Holland, Spanish Netherlands, France, Italy and Austria). This account of travel includes many observations of its author about different questions of culture, nature, politics (system of government) and realities of traveling: art, religion, landscapes, flights boats, means of communication, administration, political structure, science, theater, customs of populations and many others. Father Wojsznarowicz described in his account of travel in detail also his research work and publishing activity (writing and publishing printed sermons) and also progress in education of his pupil, he took care of during the journey – young polish magnate Aleksander Janusz Zasławski-Ostrogski, descendant of famous parentage.
The main purpose of the article is a question of old Polish journeys across Europe in the modern epoch. Our considerations are based on the ground-work in the form of journal of travel written in the second half of 17th century. This account of travel was written by the Polish priest from Vilnius Kazimierz Jan Wojsznarowicz. He wrote this text in Polish using also numerous Latin expressions. This journey took place in the years 1667‒1669, in times of mature baroque. It included coverage of several European countries (Germany – various duchies, Holland, Spanish Netherlands, France, Italy and Austria). This account of travel includes many observations of its author about different questions of culture, nature, politics (system of government) and realities of traveling: art, religion, landscapes, flights boats, means of communication, administration, political structure, science, theater, customs of populations and many others. Father Wojsznarowicz described in his account of travel in detail also his research work and publishing activity (writing and publishing printed sermons) and also progress in education of his pupil, he took care of during the journey – young polish magnate Aleksander Janusz Zasławski-Ostrogski, descendant of famous parentage.
Słowa kluczowe
dziennik podróży, edukacja, zagranica, podróż, Europa, Europa Zachodnia, Niemcy, Francja, Holandia, Niderlandy Hiszpańskie, Włochy, Kazimierz Jan Wojsznarowicz, magnaci, arystokracja polska, podróżnicy, XVII w., turystyka, historia, travel journal, education, foreign countries, journey, magnates, Polish aristocracy, 17th century, tourism, travelers, Europe, Western Europe, Germany, Holland, Spanish Netherlands, France, Italy, history
Studia Gdańskie, 2011, T. 29, s. 205-227.
CC-BY-ND - Uznanie autorstwa - Bez utworów zależnych