Historyczne i duchowe aspekty celibatu w Kościele
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Wydział Teologiczny Sekcja w Tarnowie Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
The purpose of this article is to show two views on the origin of a celibacy for a religious reason in the Catholic Church. The first one which results from the law, and the second one that has divine roots in which the source of such a life is Jesus Christ himself and his disciples. In the second part of the article there are some psychiatrists’ and theologians’ opinions about the possibilities of a mature priestly celibacy life.
Słowa kluczowe
czystość, celibat, chastity, celibacy, pochodzenie celibatu duchownych, prawo kościelne, apostolskie pochodzenie celibatu duchownych, celibat duchownych, psychiatrzy, psychiatria, teologia, teolodzy, teologowie, duchowe aspekty celibatu, duchowe aspekty celibatu w Kościele, historyczne aspekty celibatu w Kościele, historyczne aspekty celibatu, historia, duchowość, purity, origins of clergy celibacy, ecclesiastical law, apostolic origins of clergy celibacy, celibacy of clergy, psychiatrists, psychiatrics, theology, theologians, spiritual aspects of celibacy, spiritual aspects of celibacy in the Church, historical aspects of celibacy in the Church, historical aspects of celibacy, history, spirituality, Kościół, Church
Tarnowskie Studia Teologiczne, 2012, T. 31, cz. 2, s. 27-38.
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