Analiza aktywności pastoralnej online w czasie pandemii COVID-19 na przykładzie diecezji ełckiej




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Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum


The Covid-19 pandemic caused changes in all areas of society, including the religious sphere. A number of activities moved to the internet. Despite the difficulties, the Church did not stop proclaiming the Good News during this time and continued much of it online in order to remain connected to the believers. In this article, the Author used the magisterial method and content analysis of websites and social media, as well as a categorisation of online pastoral work during the pandemic period. The field of analysis was the Diocese of Elk. The Author presented a case study of Y major online activities of clergy and the laity during this time. These were: charity, evangelisation, catechesis, culture, prayer, Holy Masses and religious services, Holy Scripture, retreats and news. To provide a nationwide context, he also cites quantitative nationwide studies in relation to online broadcasting of Mass and Polesʼ engagement in spiritual life during the pandemic.


Słowa kluczowe

COVID-19, diocese of Elk, pastoral care, pandemic, Church online, diecezja ełcka, diecezje, dioceses, duszpasterstwo, ministry, Kościół online, koronawirus, coronavirus, pandemia, pandemia COVID-19, COVID-19 pandemic, internet, środowisko cyfrowe, digital environment


Studia Ełckie, 2022, T. 24, nr 4, s. 441-462.


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