Focus on Europe. Europatage an der KPH Graz – Internationaler Austausch zu ethischem Lernen und nachhaltigem Leben “Ethical learning – sustainable living” Ethics for a personal and dialogic process of being
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The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow
From the 28th to the 30th of October 2014 the Catholic University College of Education Graz (KPH Graz) put its focus especially on Europe. More than 40 lecturers from 12 countries were examining the international field of education from the perspective of how ethical learning and sustainable living can be realised in kindergarten, schools, colleges and universities. This time the international meeting of the KPH Graz was held in cooperation with the European project ETHOS, whose project members served as experts in the field of ethical learning. The European Days pursued several goals, one of which is to intensify professional networks and the cooperation in research among partner universities. Guest lectures, workshops and expert discussions were on the agenda.
Sprawozdanie / Report. Tekst w języku niemieckim.
Słowa kluczowe
ethics, ethical learning, education, being, Europe, sustainable living, etyka, etyczna nauka, edukacja, byt, Europa, zrównoważone życie, Ethik, ethisches Lernen, Bildung, Sein, nachhaltiges Leben
The Person and the Challenges, 2015, Vol. 5, No. 1, p. 231-246.
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