Liturgia nawiedzenia chorych w świetle potrydenckich ksiąg liturgicznych w Polsce (1631-1964)




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Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego


The liturgy De visitatone et cura infirmorum was drawn from the Roman ritual. It is quoted in the Polish edition of the ritual and remained unchanged in the following editions. Only the legal and pastoral indications placed under the ritual have undergone some modifications. The translation of the liturgical texts into mother tongues was first printed in the Chełm ritual of 1850. We find a new description of this rite in Polish in the Katowice book De cura infirmorum of 1964. It consists of five short rites on the basic of the hitherto Roman pattern. What has been added is some pious sighs (35) for the use of the sick, which are taken from the Bible and liturgy, and other prayers. In Poland an abbreviated edition of the ritual (1633) was also known. This edition contained the rite De visitatone infirmorum. It constituted a compilation Modus juvandi morientes and the rite of visiting the sick which has been described above. We do find the Polish text as early as in the Chełm editions (1850) and the Vilnius editions (1872), yet it is the Krakow edition (1892) and the new Katowice editions of the rite (1927) which go back to a full latinization of the rites under study.


Autor tłumaczenia streszczenia: Jan Kłos.

Słowa kluczowe

liturgia, nawiedzenie chorych, chorzy, księgi liturgiczne, Polska, modlitwa, okres potrydencki, liturgy, visitation of the sick, sick, liturgical books, Poland, prayer, post-Tridentine period


Roczniki Teologiczne, 1993, T. 40, z. 6, s. 75-89.


Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland