Wartość Królestwa Bożego w przypowieści o ukrytym skarbie (Mt 13,44)

dc.contributor.authorJaromin, Joanna
dc.description.abstractThe chief purpose of Jesus Christ’s teaching was the propagation of Kingdom of God. He mainly did that by means of parables in order to win as large group of people as possible, especially those who were ordinary and uneducated, often from the dregs of Jewish society. Jesus presented various aspects of Kingdom of God, in particular ‒ its value. Among the parables that deal with this subject, we can find in St. Matthew’s Gospel one of the shortest parables ‒ about the hidden treasure. By means of linguistic method we discover many aspects of this parable. Its purpose is to make the audience aware that the Kingdom of God is not, in fact, distant nor impossible for them to achieve. Nevertheless, some measures are needed and one's own commitment, but not beyond human abilities (the founder of the treasure possesses just enough money to buy the land in which he found and hid again this treasure). However, the emphasis is put on presenting the great value of Kingdom of God (the treasure) for which a man is ready give all what he has got in order to take part in it. What is more, by means of these linguistically exegetic considerations, we come to the conclusion that this ability of renunciation does not only refer to material goods, but, above all, it refers to changing one's own life, denial of sin, in general to reformation. The most characteristic feature of this parable is also the fact that the value of the Kingdom is quite accidental (a chance discovery of the treasure), but when it is finally understood, it becomes the most important goal in the life of a human being. Thanks to other methods of interpretation of the biblical text, such as the narrative or diachronic ones, it is possible to present more thorough and comprehensive analysis that, in turn, enables us to look at this parable from a different perspective.
dc.identifier.citationScriptura Sacra, 2004-2005, R. 8-9, s. 97-125.
dc.publisherWydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Opolskiego
dc.rightsCC-BY-NC-SA - Uznanie autorstwa - Użycie niekomercyjne - Na tych samych warunkach
dc.subjectprzypowieść o ukrytym skarbie
dc.subjectprzypowieść ewangeliczna
dc.subjectwartość Królestwa Bożego
dc.subjectKrólestwo Boże
dc.subjectPismo Święte
dc.subjectNowy Testament
dc.subjectegzegeza biblijna
dc.subjectEwangelia według św. Mateusza
dc.subjectukryty skarb
dc.subjectMt 13
dc.subjectanaliza kontekstualna
dc.subjectanaliza syntaktyczna
dc.subjectanaliza semantyczna
dc.subjectanaliza pragmatyczna
dc.subjectanaliza narracyjna
dc.subjectanaliza diachroniczna
dc.subjectparable of the hidden treasure
dc.subjectGospel parable
dc.subjectvalue of the Kingdom of God
dc.subjectKingdom of God
dc.subjectNew Testament
dc.subjectbiblical studies
dc.subjectbiblical exegesis
dc.subjectGospel of Matthew
dc.subjecthidden treasure
dc.subjectcontextual analysis
dc.subjectsyntactic analysis
dc.subjectsemantic analysis
dc.subjectpragmatic analysis
dc.subjectnarrative analysis
dc.subjectdiachronic analysis
dc.titleWartość Królestwa Bożego w przypowieści o ukrytym skarbie (Mt 13,44)
dc.title.alternativeThe value of Kingdom of God in the parable about the hidden treasure (Mt 13,44)


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