Knowledge Transmission in the Context of the Watchers’ Sexual Sin with the Women in 1 Enoch 6-11




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Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II


The first part of this research scrutinizes previous scholarly opinions concerning the belonging of the motif of instruction to the original narrative. While the conclusions of especially Nickelsburg and Hanson are negative, the mainly thematic criterion used by them in the separation of the literary strata indicates that they could not see any thematic connection between the Watchers and the motif of knowledge transmission. The second part of the research shows the interrelationship between the mythological origins of scribal and medical knowledge transmission in cuneiform sources and the response of Jewish priests in Babylonia. The latter group rejected Babylonian cuneiform arts and opted for Aramaic type of knowledge with the creation of a different ideal scribe from before the flood (Enoch), different transcendent channel of knowledge transmission (angels faithful to God), and different channel of knowledge transmission from father to son in patriarchal and Levitical genealogies. The third part of the research explores the metaphorical meaning of especially the “great sin” of “fornication” committed by the Watchers. The sin of fornication with women and successive defilement of the Watchers have to be interpreted in relation to the metaphorical, not literal, meaning of these terms found in the biblical account where they often figuratively express apostasy from the God of Israel and idolatrous relationship with other gods.


Artykuł w języku angielskim.

Słowa kluczowe

1 Enoch, Book of Watchers, fallen angels, sexual sin, knowledge transmission, Mesopotamian background, ancient Mesopotamian cultural context, ancient Mesopotamian culture, Mesopotamia, antiquity, culture, angels, sin, 1 Henoch, intertestamental literature, Księga Czuwających, upadli aniołowie, grzech seksualny, przekaz wiedzy, tło mezopotamskie, kontekst kultury starożytnej Mezopotamii, kultura starożytnej Mezopotamii, Mezopotamia, starożytność, kultura, anioły, grzech, literatura międzytestamentalna, 1 Enoch 6-11, 1 Henoch 6-11, Księga Henocha, apokryf, Book of Henoch, apocrypha


The Biblical Annals, 2012, T. 2, nr 1, s. 123-151.


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