Specyfika organizacji samorządu terytorialnego we Francji
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Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum
The aim of the present article is to show the specificity of the organization of the local government in France, taking into account the project of its reform in 2009. Analysing the general conception and tasks of selfgovernment units, ways of appointing members to organs in their working frames, the author also mentions the problem of the control over the activity of decentralised administration. The current organization of the local government has been formed definitively in years 1982-88, what causes that next to relatively young institutions (as RIO) also some having over two-hundred-year history (as the prefect) exist. From the attention to above, local government in France, even though modeled on British and German solutions has certain features allowing it to be regarded as the completely separate model. This model is characterized by many solutions which are strange or difficult to explain on the ground of Polish law. In the present article the author is trying to eliminate the terminological chaos associated with different translations of French phrases or institution names of the administrative and court-administrative law, in many cases adding the explanation of the sense of the translation used.
Słowa kluczowe
prawo, law, samorząd terytorialny, local self-government, prawo lokalne, local law, Francja, France, prawo francuskie, french law, organy samorządu terytorialnego, local authorities, reforma, reform, władza, authority, administracja, administration
Studia Ełckie, 2010, T. 12, s. 267-286.
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