Obowiązek poznawania i przekazywania prawdy objawionej w ujęciu o. Jacka Woronieckiego OP




Tytuł czasopisma

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Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Warszawsko-Praskiej


The Church fulfills its task of salvific mediatorship, entrusted to it by Christ himself, by adapting to the needs and demands of the modem times. Father Jacek Woroniecki OP was one of the theologians who contributed in the first half of XX century to the renewal of the concept of pastoral ministry. In his understanding the teaching task of the Church undertaken in its prophetic role is correlated with the intrinsic nature of truth itself, since truth requires to be known and conveyed. At the same time he appeals to inborn capacities of human mind. Such a view primarily emphasizes the task of guarding the deposit of revealed truths, as well as its study and systematization. This duty is strictly connected with that of teaching faith. Fr. Woroniecki shows its different aspects, in particular missionary activity as well as different forms of ordinary pastoral ministry. He pays special attention to adequate intellectual, spiritual and moral preparation of the teacher of the faith. The idea of the prophetic role of the Church described by Fr. Jacek Woroniecki is still up-to-date. The issues he reminds us about are of crucial importance since the attitude of openness towards truth and its demands is a condition of recognizing and fulfilling the aim of our life.


Słowa kluczowe

prawda, obowiązek, prawda objawiona, Jacek Woroniecki, objawienie, misja, Dobra Nowina, Słowo Boże, głoszenie Słowa Bożego, misje, wiara, ewangelizacja, truth, duty, revealed truth, revelation, mission, Word of God, preaching the Word of God, missions, faith, evangelization, kaznodziejstwo, preaching


Roczniki Teologiczne Warszawsko-Praskie, 2010, t. 6, s. 125-160.


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