Dynamizm sakramentów chrztu i bierzmowania w służbie budowania Kościoła jako domu
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Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego
Pastors of the Church in Poland – inspired by the prophetic vision of the Blessed John Paul – made in the early third millennium, the Church’s task completion as a home for their children. Building the Church as your home is crucial to the creation of universal brotherhood, unity and peace in the world. The redemptive activity of Christ in the Church is realized in the holy sacraments. Of all the sacraments of the Church of fundamental importance to Baptism and Confirmation. These two sacraments – as is clear from this publication – bringing in a great richness and diversity of God’s grace, contribute significantly to building the Church as a home. Through fidelity to his vocation and witness of a life loving person baptized and confirmed contributes to the growth of the whole Church and to His holiness. Everything, therefore, what is important in the life of the Church and what gives it the true dimension and meaning, you can find the sacrament of Baptism and Confirmation. Therefore, baptism and confirmation should be seen as a great gift of Christ for the good of the whole Church. Many issues presented in the article very well for the purpose of recovery of charisms received in the sacrament of Baptism and Confirmation.
Słowa kluczowe
teologia, theology, sakramenty, chrzest, bierzmowanie, sacraments, baptism, confirmation, Kościół, Church, dom, home, Kościół jako dom, Church as home, budowanie Kościoła, building a Church
Liturgia Sacra, 2012, R. 18, nr 1 (39), s. 71-83.
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