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Wydawnictwo Pallottinum


The meaning of the term “remission” is different from the term “forgiveness” Not only God but also man, every man can forgive. Forgiveness changes the interior of the aggrieved person, and thus changes the relationship with other people without directly changing their interior. Remission refers to different levels, both outside and inside. Prayer “Our Father” does not say about the forgiveness of sins, but about the forgiveness of guilt’s. Sin is a deed done by man, and only a secondary effect of this deed. This effect has been defined by the word “guilt” and has an external and internal aspect. The most external effect is the cancellation of penalties, it does not necessarily result in the erasure of guilt’s that can still be recorded in the personal file. This kind of remission of guilt’s is associated with free pardon or amnesty. It follows that a higher type of guilt’s forgiveness also erases the negative balance of the spiritual account. More higher degree of absolution concerns the ontic transformation. In the Catholic tradition, the remission of sins means the liquidation of evil within the human soul and the enrichment of man by grace, that is, the divine living reality. In the “Our Father” prayer, we turn to the first person of the Trinity, that is to God the Father. It is known, however, that all God’s actions are actions of the divine nature, that is, of all three persons. In addition, the action of God can be direct or through created beings: people, situations, signs, things, in other words, through individual people, the ecclesial community, sacraments and other salvific events. The sinner himself participates in a broader sense, asking for the forgiveness of guilt’s and accepting it.


Słowa kluczowe

odpuszczenie, grzech, wina, człowiek, Bóg Ojciec, Syn Boży, Duch Święty, remission, sin, guilt, human being, God the Father, Son of God, Holy Spirit, odpuszczenie win, remission of guilt, Trójca Święta, Holy Trinity


Communio, 2018, R. 38, nr 1 (201), s. 72-88.


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