Pozytywny i negatywny aspekt migracji zarobkowej




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Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II w Krakowie


The issue of contemporary paid migrations is an unusually complex phenomenon, because of its social, political, economic, cultural and religious aspects. The paid migration is connected with the number of notable benefits, but also carries numerous threats and costs with itself, which are coming to pay both in the individual, as well as social dimension, and what's more with reference to economic and non-economic aspects. An overseas posting is most often a cause of family problems, either by the distance, if one of members of a family is leaving, or by the problem of the upbringing and the education of children when an entire family is emigrating. Paid departures, independently of the duration, are also giving rise to the feeling like temporariness. Sects and religious new movements, as well as a moral relativism are a great threat to migrants. All of above-mentioned can contribute for weakening the religious life, or even for loss of the faith. Meanwhile these religious practices that is the daily prayer, every – Sunday High Mass, indifferently in what language, are the chances for the self-defence of own identities and can protect the marriage bonds from threats and from feelings of alienation and solitudes. When profit and loss connected with the paid migration will be taken into consideration, it is possible to notice that the decision on the departure is often taken irresponsibly and ill-considered. The real dangers for the marriage and the family aren't being taken into consideration, and they least think about the common good – which is a good of the homeland.


Słowa kluczowe

migracja, migracja zarobkowa, emigracja, imigracja, reemigracja, aspekty pozytywne, aspekty negatywne, zagrożenia, rodzina, życie religijne, moralność, odpowiedzialność moralna, kultura ojczysta, życie religijne, praca, duszpasterstwo, opieka duszpasterska, Kościół, migration, labour migration, emigration, immigration, re-emigration, positive aspects, negative aspects, threats, family, religious life, morality, moral responsibility, home culture, religious life, work, labour, ministry, pastoral care, Church, kultura, culture, economic migration


Analecta Cracoviensia, 2009, t. 41, s. 261-280.


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