Błogosławieni, którzy są wezwani na ucztę godów Baranka (Ap 19,9). Kościół w Księdze Apokalipsy




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Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II


The Church, gathered by liturgy, is a community of suffering (cf. 1.9). The time of the origin of the Revelation was the time when Domitian was ruling. He was not a bloodthirsty persecutor of Christians, yet he was ruthless when faced with lack of respect to himself or his position, and to the state as well. The overall atmosphere of tension and danger felt throughout the Revelation, are all connected with the conflict between the Churches of Asia Minor and the Roman Empire. Accusations of Christians from pagans and Jews partially illustrate this conflict. The community gathered in the Day of the Lord is aware of the presence of the Risen Lord. As the people of the New Covenant in his blood, they praise the Lamb’s love in a liturgical celebration and they recognize their calling as βασιλϵία ι‛ϵρϵῐς to God (1.6). The gathered Church is the community summoned to obey the Word and pass it on. Proclamation and meditation on the Word reveals God’s Mysterium manifested in Christ the Lamb. Christ gathers the community and stands in the center of the Church as the one who speaks. His word penetrates as a double-edged sword and purifies the Church. Gathered around the Risen Lord, who is present in the power and majesty of God, the Church perceives itself as a community called to share the eternal liturgy of the New Jerusalem, in which the temple is the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb (21.22). At the same time as the earth is being liberated from evil, the preparation of the People of the Covenant for the eternal wedding is being carried out. The People of the Covenant, prepared by the Lamb, pass through the history towards the celebration of the eternal wedding in the common and universal Kingdom of God. Sincere Love of God to his people, described by the prophets, is totally fulfilled in the Lamb’s love, who calls the People of the Covenant his Bride Spouse and leads them to God’s Kingdom.


Słowa kluczowe

błogosławieni, gody Baranka, Baranek, Apokalipsa św. Jana, Kościół, Ap 19, Nowy Testament, Biblia, Pismo Święte, miłość, Kościół w Apokalipsie św. Jana, blessed, mating of the Lamb, Lamb, Revelation of John, Apocalypse of John, Church, New Testament, Bible, love, Church in the Revelation of John


Verbum Vitae, 2004, T. 6, s. 169-181.


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