Ekspiacyjny wymiar duchowości Zgromadzenia Sióstr Świętej Marii Magdaleny od Pokuty w świetle konstytucji zakonnych




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Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu


Among the many forms of consecrated life in the Church its unique place has the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Mary Magdalene of Penance. The penitential prayer and expiation for the sins of the world offered in particular for women are the charisma of this religious community. This charisma is deeply rooted in the spirituality of the Congregation and founded on the Paschal Mystery of Christ. Through a variety of prayerful and penitential practices sisters are interceding for God’s mercy and forgiveness for sinners and the grace of their conversion and return to the path of God’s Commandments. The expiatory dimension of the spirituality of the Congregation is very timely in our society affected by the moral relativism and the diminishing sense of sin. The life in vows of poverty, chastity and obedience based on the evangelical counsels and practiced in the religious profession of the Congregation reveals the essence of a Christian living. Such a testimony becomes a prophetic sign in the contemporary society marked by impoverished morality and guided by a lifestyle of hedonism and desires. Religious life according to the evangelical counsels becomes a form of a spiritual therapy guiding humanity to living as God intended.


Słowa kluczowe

zgromadzenia zakonne, charyzmaty, duchowość, rady ewangeliczne, ekspiacja, pokuta, Zgromadzenie Sióstr św. Marii Magdaleny od Pokuty, zakon magdalenek, klasztory, religious congregations, charisms, spirituality, evangelical counsels, expiation, penance, Congregation of the Sisters of Saint Mary Magdalene of Penance, Magdalene Order, convents


Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny, 2015, R. 23, Nr 1, s. 37-50.


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