Pluralizm religijny szansą czy zagrożeniem dla Kościoła




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Papieski Fakultet Teologiczny we Wrocławiu


In this paper our attention was first directed toward the main characteristics of the modem pluralism in the field of religion and toward the Church’s reaction at this new religious situation in the contemporary world. The process of individualization is going on, especially because of the social and cultural pluralism. The structure of religious credibility is weakening as at the „worldview market” there are still more and more proposals which either directly or indirectly question the notion of religious uniqueness. Individuals have in these new conditions rights and obligations to choose from among what’s being offered on the „religious market”: religion stops to be a fate, it starts to be a choice. The Church should not announce any warfare against radical pluralism and structural religious individualization, but should aim at transforming it in frame of the evangelistic mission and through an open discussion and dialogue with other people representing differing options for solving humanitarian and religious problems: not so much „against” as rather „with” The Christian pastoral activity stands at the threshold of new perspectives: new and not yet explored.


Słowa kluczowe

Kościół, religia, pluralizm religijny, modernizacja, przemiany społeczne, indywidualizacja, pluralizacja życia społecznego, religia, religijność, kryzys religii, kryzys Kościoła, zagrożenia Kościoła, konkurencyjność religii, sekularyzacja, życie religijne, życie społeczne, tożsamość, wyzwanie, Church, religion, religious pluralism, modernisation, social changes, pluralisation of social life, religion, religiousness, crisis of religion, crisis of the Church, threats to the Church, competitiveness of religion, religious life, social life, identity, challenge, individualization, secularization


Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny, 2001, R. 9, Nr 1, s. 113-127.


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