Mass media w służbie caritas. Refleksja na kanwie encykliki Benedykta XVI „Deus caritas est”




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Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego


Love, which has been encrypted in the nature of every person, is also encrypted in the process of interpersonal communication and mass media communication. Man is both a message sender and receiver in these processes, and should not feel liberated from the mission he carries in himself. This mission has been drawn Benedict XVI in his encyclical Deus caritas est. And this is the mission of not only loving the others but also a mission of true understanding of the word „love” (eros-agape) and the acts of love (caritas). These act are the disinterested gift of yourself for the other person, fulfilled in the direct communication, (with the other person) and also in the indirect communication (via mass media). The aim is the respect for the mystery of the other person, community of people, solidarity, universal humanism. This is the aim of the Church and the mass media the Church has at its disposal, but also of all other media, which can realize the aim through professional education, introducing to love and life culture, through coordination and inspiration for charity in „the global village” the present world is.


Tłumaczenie streszczenia / Translated by Paweł Kozłowski.

Słowa kluczowe

mass media, miłość, caritas, eros, osoba, komunikacja, środki masowego przekazu, encyklika, Benedykt XVI, Joseph Ratzinger, papieże, Deus caritas est, dokumenty Kościoła, love, person, communication, encyclic, Benedict XVI, popes, środki społecznego przekazu, komunikacja interpersonalna, interpersonal communication


Roczniki Teologiczne, 2007, T. 54, z. 10, s.191-199.


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