Życie i działalność naukowo-dydaktyczna oraz organizacyjna ks. prof. dra hab. Stanisława Bieleckiego


Rev. Prof. Dr. Stanisław Bielecki (born 1947) does research and teaches at the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin. In 1987 he became an assistant lecturer at the Chair of Pastoral Dogmatics of the Institute of Pastoral Theology of the CUL; in 1989 was advanced to the position of senior assistant, and in 1991 – to assistant professor. In 1987 he qualified as a university lecturer in pastoral theology, and since that time he has been performing the function of the head of the Pastoral Dogmatics Chair, in 2000 renamed as the Chair of General Pastoral Theology. In 2000 he was made associate professor of the CUL, and in 2008 – professor of theological sciences in the area of pastoral theology. In the years 1987-1990 he was one of the organizers of the Department of the Pastorate of the Working People at the Institute of Pastoral Theology of the CUL that was established on the initiative of the Commission of the Episcopate for the Pastorate of the Working People, and then he was the head of the Department. From 1997 to 2000 he fulfilled the function of the head of the Institute of Pastoral Theology of the CUL, and in the academic year 2000/2001, after the Institute of Pastoral Theology was divided into the Pastoral-Catechetic Institute and the Liturgical-Pastoral Institute he was made the head of the Pastoral-Catechetic Institute of the CUL. He conducted classes on Biblical studies and on pastoral theology at the CUL, the Kielce Seminary, as well as in Byelorussia, Ukraine and Slovakia. He has been the supervisor of about 360 master's theses and 19 doctoral ones. As a researcher he is interested in two theological areas: Biblical theology and pastoral theology. First of all he has been conducting research in the issues concerning Biblical foundations of pastorate, in St Paul's writings, Biblical kairology with elements of theology of the signs of the time, and he has been connecting preaching and catechetic practice with Biblical issues.


Summary translated by / Autor tłumaczenia streszczenia: Tadeusz Karłowicz. Zawiera aneksy: Wykaz doktoratów napisanych pod kierunkiem ks. prof. dra hab. Stanisława Bieleckiego; Wykaz publikacji ks. prof. dra hab. Stanisława Bieleckiego.

Słowa kluczowe

Stanisław Bielecki, teologia pastoralna, teologia biblijna, kairologia, Biblia w duszpasterstwie, znak czasu, podstawy duszpasterstwa, biografia, kapłani, duchowieństwo, biblistyka, bibliści, działalność dydaktyczna, działalność naukowa, publikacje teologiczne, prace dyplomowe, pastoral theology, biblical theology, kairology, Bible in pastoral care, sign of the times, foundations of pastoral care, biography, priesthood, clergy, biblical studies, biblical scholars, teaching activities, scientific activities, theological publications, dissertations, theology, teologia, Pismo Święte, Biblia, Bible


Roczniki Pastoralno-Katechetyczne, 2012, T. 4 (59), s. 7-20.


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