Małżeństwo sakramentalne w misji nowej ewangelizacji




Tytuł czasopisma

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Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL


Marriage as a sacrament of mission contributes to the spouses' personal salvation and to the care for the salvation of others. The mission of marriage results from the sacramental and salutary character of this community. Recognition of the sacramental character of marriage is connected with the salutary message that is the basic contents of evangelization. The essence of the sacrament of marriage is transmitted by the historic-salutary character of the marital covenant referring to the biblical idea of covenant. The communal character of marriage is expressed in the concept of communio personarum. God’s love is the source of the unity of marital community, as human love is included in the supernatural love of the Holy Trinity. Marriage and family as a subject of evangelization, serving a new life, aims at a full development and salvation of its members. Moreover, their responsibility for the Church is connected with participation in the evangelizing mission towards the world.


Summary translated by / Autor tłumaczenia streszczenia: Tadeusz Karłowicz.

Słowa kluczowe

małżeństwo, przymierze małżeńskie, communio personarum, miłość małżeńska, rodzina w świecie, rodzina, sakrament małżeństwa, sakramenty, ewangelizacja, nowa ewangelizacja, marriage, marital covenant, marital love, conjugal love, family in the world, family, sacrament of marriage, sacraments, evangelization, new evangelization, miłość, love


Roczniki Teologii Moralnej, 2009, T. 1(56), s. 147-164.


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