Eucharystia w dialogu. Uzgodnienie Grupy z Dombes




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Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego


The author gives a historical and theological introduction to the agreed statement of the Group of Dombes on the Eucharist which informs about the origins of the Dombes Group, its aims, methods of work and effects of nearly 40-years long activities, including topics of particular meetings in the years 1942-1970. He discusses in detail the 1967 theses on Eucharist (intercommunion), and then gives a general characteristic of the 1971 „Guidelines”, pointing out the three most important issues taken up by the authors: the presence of Christ in Eucharist, its trinitarian aspect and solidarity manifested in the sacrament. The presence of Christ is described in terms of anamnesis, that is to say a memento which brings into existence what it reminds of (a conception strikingly close to Vatican II). From Protestants the document demands greater respect for the extra usum elements of Eucharist, while Catholics are requested to implement the principle whereby Eucharist is preserved largely for the sick and the absent to consume. In Eucharist Christians encounter not only Christ but also other persons of the Holy Trinity, since in Eucharist we worship and thank the Father, while the Holy Ghost warrants the Eucharistic transformation. The document also expresses a deeper awareness of social effects of participation in one Eucharist, experienced by contemporary Christianity.


Słowa kluczowe

teologia, theology, teologia ekumeniczna, ecumenical theology, Grupa z Dombes, Dombes Group, teolodzy, teologowie, theologians, protestanci, Protestants, katolicy, Catholics, protestantyzm, Protestantism, katolicyzm, Catholicism, Eucharystia, Eucharist, sakramenty, sacraments, ekumenizm, ecumenism, ekumenizm doktrynalny, doctrinal ecumenism, dialog, dialogue, dialog ekumeniczny, ecumenical dialogue, dialog międzyreligijny, interreligious dialogue


Roczniki Teologiczno-Kanoniczne, 1977, T. 24, z. 2, s. 29-40.


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