Asceza we współczesnym świecie konsumpcji, użycia i permisywizmu
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Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego
The author's concept of asceticism is rooted in the concepts of hierarchy of human values. He views self-indulgence, permissivism and consumer attitudes as violations of the human and Christian hierarchy of values and regards asceticism as a progression of exercises siming at a life consistent with that hierarchy. The ascetic process guarantees a person's transition from the state of potentiality to the state of self-realization within his or her proper possibilities, including attainment of the perfection to which God calls man in Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.
Słowa kluczowe
asceza, asceticism, współczesność, present, świat, world, konsumpcja, consumption, permisywizm, permissivism, etyka, moralność, ethics, morality, użycie, use, self-indulgence, konsumpcjonizm, consumerism, prawda, truth, fałsz, falsehood, człowiek, human, Bóg, God, miłość, love, teologia, teologia moralna, theology, moral theology, wartości, values, hierarchia wartości, hierarchy of values
Roczniki Teologiczno-Kanoniczne, 1990, T. 37, z. 3, s. 5-12.
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