Po co mieszkańcy Jerozolimy krzyczeli „Hosanna”? Studium Mt 21,9 z uwzględnieniem szerszego kontekstu
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Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego UO
The paper presents study of the Biblical passage containing shouting “Hosanna” as described in Matt 21:9. For better understanding of the meaning of this word, often treated as a liturgical emotional expression, a wider context was employed, not only the usually referred Ps 118. In particular, several Polish translations of the Bible were analyzed, as well as Septuagint, Aramaic Targum, and Peshitta of Old and New Testament. Jewish liturgy called “Hoshanot” was analyzed to demonstrate the direct meaning of the Hebrew word hosha na used in the prayers. Moreover, based on its direct meaning, the word “Hosanna” was linked with previous passages where blind men shouted for salvation. Noteworthy, the blinds were healed both before and after analyzed event. Since the context indicates the prophetic mission performed by Jesus in the Temple, some attention was paid to the issue of prophecy. It was found that the fulfillment of Jesus’s verdict upon the fig tree indicated inevitable fulfillment of His prophecy upon destruction of Jerusalem. The entire context provided strong ground for understanding that Jesus emphasized His identity as God by words and actions, and the spontaneous shouting “Hosanna” provided a key for understanding of this point.
Słowa kluczowe
Jerusalem, Hosanna, Jesus’s identity, prophets, king, translations of the Bible, Jewish liturgy, liturgy, Gospel of Matthew, Bible, New Testament, biblical studies, exegesis, biblical exegesis, theology, biblical theology, Jesus Christ, Jerozolima, tożsamość Jezusa, prorocy, król, tłumaczenia Biblii, liturgia żydowska, liturgia, Ewangelia według św. Mateusza, Biblia, Pismo Święte, Nowy Testament, biblistyka, egzegeza, egzegeza biblijna, teologia, teologia biblijna, Mt 21, Jezus Chrystus
Scriptura Sacra, 2021, R. 25, s. 209-225.
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