L’approccio agatologico-cristologico al concetto di persona nella riflessione teatrologica-teologica di Hans Urs von Balthasar e di Józef Tischner
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Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II
In quest’articolo, presentiamo l’approccio contemporaneo alla comprensione teologica del concetto di persona, formatosi nella corrente del pensiero teodrammatico, rappresentato da H. U. von Balthasar e da J. Tischner. Descriviamo gli aspetti fondamentali antropologici (agatologici–dialogici) e teologici (cristologici–trinitari) caratteristici degli approcci di entrambi gli autori. Prestiamo attenzione particolare ai contributi originali di Balthasar e di Tischner al problema preso in esame, soprattutto per quanto riguarda l’uso della terminologia teatrologica nelle considerazioni riguardanti la descrizione teologica del concetto di persona. L’asse dell’analisi la costituisce il paragone tra due teatrologiche–teologiche analogie chiave, riguardante la nozione di persona introdotte dagli autori su menzionati e concernente, rispettivamente, il rapporto ruolo – missione (Balthasar) e quello di maschera – volto (Tischner).
In this article we present the contemporary approach to the theological understanding of the concept of person according to the theodramatical current of thought represented by H. U. von Balthasar and J. Tischner. We describe the basic anthropological (agathological–dialogical) and teological (christological– trinitological) aspects characteristic for the approach of both authors. We pay a particular attention to the original contribution of Balthasar and Tischner in the analyzed problem, especially as far as the application of theatrological terminology to the considerations regarding the theological notion of person is concerned. The axis of the analysis is the comparison of the two key theatrological–theological analogies regarding the notion of person introduced by the above mentioned authors concerning respectively the relation role–mission (Balthasar) and mask–face (Tischner).
In this article we present the contemporary approach to the theological understanding of the concept of person according to the theodramatical current of thought represented by H. U. von Balthasar and J. Tischner. We describe the basic anthropological (agathological–dialogical) and teological (christological– trinitological) aspects characteristic for the approach of both authors. We pay a particular attention to the original contribution of Balthasar and Tischner in the analyzed problem, especially as far as the application of theatrological terminology to the considerations regarding the theological notion of person is concerned. The axis of the analysis is the comparison of the two key theatrological–theological analogies regarding the notion of person introduced by the above mentioned authors concerning respectively the relation role–mission (Balthasar) and mask–face (Tischner).
Artykuł w języku włoskim.
Słowa kluczowe
persona, teodramma, ruolo, missione, maschera, volto, person, theodrama, role, mission, mask, face, theology, clergy, priesthood, philosophy, anthropology, osoba, teodramat, rola, misja, maska, twarz, teologia, Hans Urs von Balthasar, Józef Tischner, kapłani, duchowieństwo, filozofia, antropologia
Polonia Sacra, 2019, R. 23, Nr 1 (55), s. 31-51.
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland