Duszpasterska troska o ojców rodziny




Tytuł czasopisma

ISSN czasopisma

Tytuł tomu


Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II


In the Church's teaching fatherhood is defined as a vocation and constitutes an element of family life that is significant and difficult to replace. However, social changes and contemporary problems connected with the functioning of family have lead to a modification of the father model, and even the thesis about its crisis has appeared. This is why pastoral care for fathers of the family is one of the priorities of the family pastorate. Creating structures and methods of such a pastorate is a pastoral postulate. It is worth retuming to the practice of special teachings for fathers as well as establishing workshops, retreats, pilgrimages and other forms of work with fathers. Experiences of Catholic families associations that give broadly understood support to fathers are especially valuable, as well as the grass-roots Inicjatywa Tato.Net that actively promotes responsible fatherhood.


Słowa kluczowe

fatherhood, religious functions of the father in the family, father as the priest of the family, state pastoral care, Church's care for fathers, pastoral care for fathers, pastoral care for families, pastoral care, ministry, family, priests, Church, ojcostwo, funkcje religijne ojca w rodzinie, ojciec jako kapłan rodziny, duszpasterstwo stanowe, opieka Kościoła nad ojcami, duszpasterstwo ojców, duszpasterstwo rodzin, duszpasterstwo, rodzina, kapłani, Kościół, troska duszpasterska


Verbum Vitae, 2011, T. 20, s. 237-252.


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