Funkcje cudu jako znaku




Tytuł czasopisma

ISSN czasopisma

Tytuł tomu


Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego



In the raditionail apologetics the functions of miracle were confined only to evidential. The author refutes this, since mniracle viewed in the cathegories of a sign cannot have the functions of a proof, and also proving in the strict sense is impossibile in the field of apologetics and theology. On the basis of P. Guiraud’s conception of sign and its function, the author educes the functions of micracle-sign from its nature. Up till now they have been educed in a rather free way, either from an analysis of biblical terms defining miracle, or they were deduced from its transcendence, or by applying the cathegory of sign to miracle without analyzing more closely the structure of sign. Every sign has six structural elements: the denoted and denoting elements, the producer and recipient, the reference and the code. Hence sign has at least five functions resulting from the relations between particular elements: the function of reference – it refers the material element to the meaning; the emotive function – it defines the relation between the producer and the message, the fatic function – has the role of communication between the producer and the recipient, and the metalinguistic function, defining the sense of the sign, which is done by relating the sign to the code. Miracle viewed as a sign has analogous functions. Hence it follows, that miracle has manifold functions from its very nature. The author concludes, that miracles are coded in the revelation with respect to the form and contents, they go into its structure, they are one of the forms (this decides the question, if theology should still deal with miracles), and this is why miracles should be interpreted on the basis of the code-revelation, which finally defines their sense.

Słowa kluczowe

cuda, miracles, znak, sign, funkcje cudów, functions of miracles, funkcje znaku, functions of the sign, Pierre Guiraud, teologia, theology, apologetyka, apologetics, semiologia, semiology


Roczniki Teologiczno-Kanoniczne, 1980, T. 27, z. 2, s. 51-70.


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